Tag Archives: life



Today I went to lunch with a coworker who has become a friend.  We were engaged in great conversation and enjoying lunch.  By the time we left the restaurant, I realized I was taking life for granted.

Near the end of our lunch, the fire department came in with a gurney and as the restaurant fell silent everyone wondered what happened (as humans do).  It is truly amazing to see a room of people fall silent and then become concerned for another human being in unison.  It improves the perception of the human condition, for sure.

Hubby being a fire fighter, I texted him to ask if he knew what was going on.  When he texted back few moments later, I learned that there was a 70 year old man having a heart attack.  The fire department medics were working a code in that restaurant.  (We could not see what was going on because it was in a different part of the restaurant.)  For some reason this hit me like a ton of bricks.  This guy was out having lunch and was hit with a heart attack.  Whammo.

We left to get back to the office.  We both left with this man and his situation weighing heavily on us.  We hoped he was ok.  We hoped the people he was having lunch with are ok.

I assured my coworker that I knew he was in good hands because the fire department is well-equipped and I felt sure that man was in good hands.  And, that’s with my bias aside because my husband works for the department.  I know they’re good at what they do.  I trust that they did everything they could to help that man.

I don’t know for sure what the outcome of his situation will be.  I do know that I was taking life for granted today.  If everything happens for a reason, then that may be what I was supposed to learn from this man’s situation.

I don’t know who he is or even what he looks like, but he will remain in my thoughts.  Life is precious.